Sellwood Insights

Updates about our firm, markets, and our investment research.

We offer a hearty congratulations to Ryan Harvey, Director, and Ryan Fitzgerald, Associate, for their success in passing CFA examinations this year.
On July 23, 2014, the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) released an 869-page document adopting amendments to the rules that govern money market mutual funds. The amendments passed by a narrow 3-to-2 margin and, similar to previous amendments adopted in 2010,
It was five years ago yesterday – March 9, 2009 – that the US stock market tumbled to its lowest point in the 2008/09 market crash. The five years that followed have seen a tremendous reinflation of asset values for risky assets.
Sellwood Consulting's 2014 Capital Market Assumptions are now available. These assumptions are the primary input for our asset allocation work for clients, being the input variables for mean-variance optimization, Monte Carlo analysis, and risk budgeting. This year, though we have made incremental enhancements to our methods for gauging the future
Our staff, and several of our family members, spent the morning of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday planting native red alder and dogwood trees at a local park. As noted in our article Paper Cuts, we are believers in being responsible stewards of natural resources,

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