All of us at Sellwood Consulting wish you our best for a joyous holiday season, and a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2014. On behalf of each of our clients, we have made a donation to Medical Teams International, a global health organization that helps
Active Share is a relatively recent innovation in investment analysis and, unlike many innovations in the investment world, one that we believe enhances the investment process. We use Active Share to quantify how “active” active managers really are, what level of fees are appropriate to pay those managers, and ultimately,
Data is everywhere. Ubiquity of data has transformed the modern investment consulting industry. The Internet and relatively inexpensive access to subscription databases mean that we swim in data, charts, and graphs. They are literally at our fingertips, conjured at whim and not requiring any sort of specialized knowledge or experience
Portland, Oregon – July 22, 2013 – Sellwood Consulting LLC, an institutional investment consulting firm, announced that it has advised $1 billion in client assets in its first year of operation. Charlie Waibel, Sellwood’s Managing Director, noted, “We are pleased to see our unique service offering,
It is probably no surprise that a Google search of “investor mistakes” yields 30,500 results, while a search of “plan sponsor mistakes” yields only 53. The financial media typically focus on errors made by 401(k) plan consumers rather than those made by its architects—the plan sponsors. However, plan sponsors can